
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A lot has been going through my mind lately with leaving Thailand this week, setting up plans for after the race, and still being present with my team and at ministry. All that to say, I have no idea where to start. So much has happened and I don’t even know how to put it into words for all of you! So get ready: this might be a word vomit type of blog. & I have more coming.

I hadn’t opened my Bible for about a month straight.

I couldn’t tell you the last time I prayed and meant it. or the last time I was worshiping and felt the Holy Spirit. or the last time I felt loved or seen by the Lord.

I don’t know the last time I had my own quiet time.

I walked out of a house church service because I was so frustrated.

I was in something the World Race likes to call the “B Zone.”

It took a second for me to actually admit to myself that that’s what was happening. I was on the rocks with God, as I like to say.

This past weekend my teammate Lauren’s uncle was in town. He took our team out for dinner and treated us to ice cream. He treated us with all the love and kindness of the Lord, and it was such a blessing. He offered to take us on an adventure up in the mountains. The mountains are so beautiful everywhere you go, so of course I wanted to spend the day there. Exploring is one of my favorite ways to spend any day. 

I probably would have told you at any point that week that the Lord wasn’t speaking to me. The truth was that He totally was, and I just wasn’t listening. The thing with God is that you have to actually try to listen, and it’s usually pretty easy to tune Him out. But! I heard a little whisper saying, “Don’t go. Spend the day with me.” 

Well, what the heck God. I finally get an adventure day, and you tell me not to go? You know what fine. Whatever. I’ll stay.

I slept in and went to a coffee shop with a few friends the next morning so I could have a date with Jesus. We spread out down the table and all dove into our quiet times. Except I didn’t even know where to start. I had left my phone at the hostel because I knew I would probably just distract myself with it, so I didn’t even have music to listen to. I pulled out my Bible and journal. and stared at it for a few minutes. I watched out the window for a while. Finally, I felt like I was supposed to read Isaiah. So I started at the beginning and just read for a while. 

In the first chapter, it talks about being washed as white as snow. I’m not sure if most of you know, but I had a pretty cool interaction with white butterflies & them being a reminder that I’m washed as white as snow this past summer. (I also wrote a blog called white butterflies if you haven’t read it yet:) I’ve continued to see them everywhere on the Race – even in 40 degree Myanmar. 

They are, of course, everywhere at the Wildflower home. They fly around the dirt pile we shovel every day. There was one stuck inside the other day right above where I was napping. They’re always around the rice fields and in the banana fields while we’re hoeing away. 

I know it’s no coincidence, and I’m not sure why it took me so long to dive more into it. 

My little butterfly moments are just beautiful moments with me & God. Like getting a bouquet of flowers or free coffee!

I think people back home tend to think that my relationship and knowledge of the Lord is perfect just because I’m overseas on a mission trip. and that could not be further from the truth.

I am a baby believer.

I’m still learning what my relationship looks like with Him. I’m still learning what our time looks like together. I’m still learning how to be consistent in conversation with Jesus.

I’m still figuring out absolutely everything I possibly could be. 

Last month I didn’t check off everything on the Christian checklist. 

I was still spending time with Jesus and trying to give my heart to Him more and more.

I was still talking to Him. I was just in a little rut that I didn’t know how to get out of. Sometimes it just takes a day of intentionality. Taking time to just sit with the Lord even if you don’t see the fruit right away. Maybe He just wants you to have a dance party with Him.

He’s not always the serious God everyone makes Him out to be. Sometimes He just wants you to see the beautiful butterflies He sends just to make your day. or to do some jumping jacks in the middle of worship just to make you laugh. 

I’ve been learning that He just wants to celebrate with us.

The other day during worship we were just given some questions to help us process a little bit of the last month-ish. One of the questions said, “Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a time when the Lord was present with you, and you didn’t recognize Him.”

The Lord so sweetly brought up this time a few weeks ago when we were celebrating one of the mothers. She was sold by her mother to a housekeeper when she was a baby, and she doesn’t know when her birthday is. We threw a little surprise birthday party with the help of the sisters for her, and it was such a heartwarming party to be at. Jesus just reminded me that He was there with us. Celebrating with us. 

He’s a God that wants to live in celebration! What isn’t there to celebrate when we have a God who’s already won the battle? He deserves ALL the glory and praise!! Invite Him into your celebrations!

celebrate the whispers. celebrate the breeze (or snow days haha) as a little gift of rest. celebrate the seven loads of dirt that are now gone! celebrate when everything sucks, because we already know who came out on the other side. 

& be excited for the biggest party ever in heaven(:

thanks for listening! love you lots. for real.


11 responses to “total celebration!!”

  1. Blessed to know where your mind and heart have been … and that Jesus is making a way for you to truly SEE and hear Him! Keep listening! I think I’ve heard Pastor Tim say this 4x in the past week … “Listen to Him” (Matt 17:5) … it’s the perfect message for all of us! We love you so so much and can’t wait to see you!! … in just 17 days, 3 hours, 12 minutes from now!!

  2. LOVE reading your updates! Thanks for sharing! I will have to share some of my butterfly stories with you when we get a chance to hang out:)
    Praying you can lean in and listen to His whispers and enjoy the magnificent shouts He can deliver in nature, hardy laughs, and bear hugs (when we are listening). Praying He will open all our senses to hear:)

  3. Hi Kate – I just absolutely love your transparency! And I feel like I can so relate to some your feelings about God. You say you’re a baby believer but you are so surrendered that it seems like you’re light years ahead of me. I’m sure you don’t feel that way, but my walk can get so stale sometimes. You just keep on moving forward and getting back up and Celebrating any and every time you feel the Lord’s presence and hear His whisper and see evidence of His grace. I’m going to do that too! We need more dance parties with God! Bless you on your journey.

  4. Thank you, Kate. I love your honesty and your openness. You are simply amazing. As I have said before, God is using you in a big way!

  5. Thanks for sharing. Praying for you! It’s not easy to go through the ruts and hard times but we all do. It’s comforting to remember God’s faithfulness through it all.

  6. Kate, I love your honesty and how you are allowing God to use you. You are such a blessing!

  7. Thank you for sharing your journey so openly with all of us. I am sure God will continue to reveal Himself to you as you reflect back on your World Race in the weeks, months, and years ahead. God has begun a great work in you, Baby Believer. Keep following where He leads and enjoy the journey.

  8. Thanks for blessing us with your post, Kate, and Christ himself was human, had a lot on his mind, struggled to find quiet time, and upset the tables he was so frustrated… its ok. you know the way. Admittedly I’m just catching up to your earlier blogs… moving the dirt, filling up the trenches, so that good can come out of them with healthy growing where the trench used to be… your labor is beautiful symbolism of the lives alongside you, once in despair, but now replaced with seeds of hope. Safe Travels. Love You. See ya soon!

  9. you got me crying in the club. such sweet reminders and such a sweet God we serve!!!!!!!! i’m so proud of you and I’m honored to know you and learn from you. love you my KT girl.

  10. As I reflect on your latest input I think the 23rd Psalm. Too often we think of it as a funeral Psalm. It is much more than that. It is encouragement insecurity for the living. I pray that Psalm for you.
    Ed Kirby

  11. Vulnerability is the basis of change, of growth, of experiencing the presence, the power, and the embrace of The Holy Spirit. You write so well. You allow others into your life when you write. Thank you for being honest, it’s inspiring.
    Miss you, love you